Safety should be a given for anyone who attends one of our schools, whether they are a pupil, a member of staff, a parent, or a visitor. The White Horse Federation’s schools are secure, welcoming environments where everyone respects and cares for each other. This type of environment is maintained by the school’s staff and pupils as well as our own documentation; in particular, the parent and visitor code of conduct.
As the name suggests, the policy outlines The White Horse Federation’s expectations of the behaviour and conduct of parents and guests who visit our schools. The policy is wide-ranging, covering areas including:
- Expected Behaviour and Conduct
- Behaviour and Conduct Which Is Not Tolerated
- Inappropriate Use of Social Media
- Code of Conduct During Meetings
- Dealing with Incidents
The intention of the policy is to ensure the safety of everyone at our schools. The behaviour of pupils and conduct of staff are already laid out in other policies. The parent and visitor code of conduct exists to make sure that any external guests also exhibit a high standard of behaviour.
“The purpose of this policy is to provide a reminder to parents, carers and other visitors to the schools in The White Horse Federation about expected conduct in order to maximise effective partnership working.”
Another focus of the policy is the relationship between school staff and parents. This is an extremely important relationship, one which can help children to thrive in their education. By providing guidance on how parents should act toward teachers, the policy seeks to avoid conflict and engender communication and collaboration.
“Meetings between staff or governors and parents/carers are an important aspect of the partnership to provide an outstanding education in The White Horse Federation’s schools. Sometimes, the focus of these meetings will be on sensitive or emotive issues; therefore, to maximise the effectiveness of the discussions, the Trust expects meetings to be conducted as follows”
We understand that education is an emotive subject, and that is why the staff at the federation and our schools always work closely with parents to provide the best outcomes for pupils and their families.
If you would like to read the parent and visitor code of conduct in its entirety, To view our other federation-wide policies, please visit [our website’s policies page]. (Link to /about-our-trust/key-information - Policies).